How to Fix the Flexgate Issue on Macbook Air Models M1, M2, Pro

How to Fix the Flexgate Issue on Macbook Air Models M1, M2, Pro

What is the Flexgate issue?

A common issue that has been affecting Macbook Air models M1, M2, and Pro is the Flexgate issue.

Flexgate is a production problem which emanates from the logic board not supporting the display assembly adequately over time, causing it to flex and eventually break. This issue can manifest in various ways.

It can cause the display to flicker, turn off completely or become distorted. In addition, the display can become very dim and unresponsive, making it difficult to view content on the screen, according to Chaktty.

This issue arises due to the design of the logic board and display assembly like I said, and it’s not really about poor handling of the computer, though it can also trigger the issue.

How to fix the Flexgate issue on your MacBook Air on Models M1, M2, and Pro

The Flexgate issue on Macbook Air models M1, M2, and Pro occurs due to the design of the logic board and display assembly.

Fortunately, Apple has released a software update to address this issue. Be sure to download and install the latest software update from Apple to fix the problem. Doing so should make the display return to normal.

When trying to fix the Flexgate issue on your Macbook Air models M1, M2, and Pro, here are the steps you should take:

Update your MacBook’s software

This is the first and most important thing you need to do as Apple has already released software updates addressing the issue. 

Download the latest software update from their official website and be sure to install it on your device.

Reset your SMC

The System Management Controller (SMC) on your Macbook Air might be the problem and can be reset easily. 

To reset it, shut down the MacBook, unplug the power cable, and hold down the left shift+control+option buttons on your keyboard and the power button simultaneously for seven seconds.

Preventing future Flexgate issues on your MacBook Air

As a Macbook Air owner, there are some steps you can take to prevent future Flexgate issues from occurring.

Avoid misuse

Apple has acknowledged that excessive force and bending of the screen and hinge can cause the Flexgate issue. 

Therefore, it is important to be careful when bending and flexing your Macbook.

Extra Support

You can buy external cases for your Macbook Air which can provide extra support and protect the screen from any flexing or bending, Techpally.

Use a Mice Pad

A mouse pad provides excellent support for any laptop, including Macbook Air.

Proper Temperature

Keep your Macbook Air at room temperature. Excessive heat can damage the fluxgate cable.

  • Use a mouse pad to provide support for the laptop.
  • Keep the laptop at room temperature to avoid damage from excessive heat.
  • Handle their laptops with care and avoid excessive force and bending of the screen and hinge.
  • Invest in external cases to provide extra support and protection.

By following these simple steps, you can prevent future Flexgate issues from occurring.


The flex gate issue has caused a lot of headaches and expenses to MacBook Air owners. The issue can be resolved if users take the right precautions to prevent it. To sum up, Macbook Air users should: 

Taking the above-mentioned actions can help you to fix existing flexgate issues, and protect their laptops in the long term.

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